New Moon in Capricorn 11th January
A new beginning of a new cycle that encourages you to come out of your comfort zone to make positive changes and try new things. Absolutely love this! Just love that universe has great timing just when I’m starting a new brand new course next week alongside my good friend, Debra, about working on the self. ‘Soul Retreat’ - to do something different and to work on yourself is so important to bring positivity into your life in new ways.
This New Moon is excellent for developing your unique talents and do something different that you’ve not dared to do before. It’s about courage and being brave. Also bringing in emotional balance.
Fresh new starts, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You may question old beliefs & patterns while searching for new and inventive ways.
Wow! Love it! Talk about synchronicity! There are still some places on this retreat if you wish to come along (14-19th Jan)